2021: Aston University, Birmingham, UK, Department of Sociology and Policy
- Research Assistant: EU-funded project ‘Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe’s Future’ (CHIEF,
2018-2020: Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Researcher: Institute of Sociology & Centre for Education Research
- Project: Academisation of Employment, led by Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock.
2016–2018: Humboldt University, International Research Center “Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work), Berlin, Germany
- Associate Researcher: “Being and Becoming a Mathematician: Work, Career and Lifecourse in British and German Academia”.
2010–present: The Sociological Imagination, daily online sociology magazine
- Co-founding Editor (with Mark Carrigan) and columnist (The Idle Ethnographer)
2013–2016: University of Warwick, Institute for Employment Reseach (IER), Coventry, United Kingdom
- Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow: “STEM careers: Work, Employment and Lifecourse Trajectories of Mathematical Scientists in the UK and Germany“.
2012–2013: Humboldt University, International Research Center “Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work), Berlin, Germany
- Research Fellow: “From Worker-Citizens to Global Labour Market Agents: An Oral History Study of the Post Socialist Working Lives of Bulgarian Seafarers”.
2009–2012: University of Warwick, Department of Sociology, Coventry, United Kingdom
- Sessional teacher in Sociology (part-time)
2007–2012: University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
- PhD Sociology (Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship)
- “What Market Mechanisms Mean: Transforming Institutions and Livelihoods in Bulgarian Maritime Employment”
- Supervisors: Noel Whiteside
and Simon Clarke
- Part of the project CAPRIGHT (Resources, rights and capabilities: in search of social foundations for Europe).